Top Fitness Classes in the Greater Charlotte Area for New Moms 

The day you first become a mother is completely transformative! Your whole world is rocked because now, not only are you taking care of yourself, you have this whole new little person that you are responsible for! While it’s literally the best thing ever, it’s also a season of change. You have to give yourself (and your body) grace as you navigate through motherhood. It’s so important to take some self-care time, as much as you may not want to! It’ll help ground yourself and give you a little bit of breathing room so you can go back to being that wonderful mom you want to be!

As a busy parent, fitting in a gym routine can be extremely difficult.  I know sometimes it is easier to stay on task if you are in that gym environment.  If you want to get out of the house, here are the top fitness classes in the Greater Charlotte Area that are designed explicitly for new mothers.

outdoor photo of new mom with baby

Classes for new moms in Charlotte, NC

S.L.A.M. Sweat like A Mother Charlotte: S.L.A.M. offers wellness classes for pregnant and post-pregnancy ladies. They have strategically located park areas in the Greater Charlotte Area, offering help and community for new mothers.

Mother Fit - Post-pregnancy Wellness — Level Fitness: Level Fitness offers a 12-week MomFit program that spotlights healing and easily getting back to wellness after pregnancy. Also, they have a continuation program called Mom Strong for mothers to assist new mothers with creating developments and abilities mastered in MomFit.

Fitness for Mothers - FIT4MOM® South Charlotte + Matthews: FIT4MOM offers a program called Body Well, an 8-week program only designed for mothers intended to work on physical and mental wellness. It incorporates week-by-week exercises, responsibilities, recipes, challenges, and more.

Burn Boot Camp Charlotte: Burn Boot Camp Charlotte is a wellness studio that offers a bunch of exercises intended for ladies. They give a steady and engaging climate for mothers to get fit. Their classes incorporate a blend of strength training, cardio exercises, and extreme cardio exercises.

Not ready for the gym? Here are some doctor recommended exercises for new moms

Exercising after giving birth can help new moms regain strength, energy, and overall well-being. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any postpartum exercise routine, especially if you've had complications during pregnancy or delivery. Here are some generally recommended exercises for new moms:

  1. Walking: Gentle walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that most new moms can start shortly after giving birth. Start with short walks and gradually increase the duration and intensity as you feel more comfortable.

  2. Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels): Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help with postpartum recovery and prevent issues like urinary incontinence. Kegel exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor. They can be done anywhere, anytime.

  3. Yoga: Postpartum yoga can help improve flexibility, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Look for postpartum yoga classes specifically designed for new moms or follow online videos tailored to postpartum recovery.

  4. Pilates: Pilates focuses on core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness, making it an excellent choice for postpartum exercise. Start with beginner-level classes or routines and gradually progress as you regain strength.

  5. Swimming: Swimming provides a full-body workout while being gentle on the joints. Many pools offer postnatal swim classes or designated times for new moms to swim with their babies.

  6. Strength Training: Incorporating light strength training exercises using body weight, resistance bands, or light dumbbells can help rebuild muscle strength and tone. Focus on exercises that target major muscle groups, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and rows.

  7. Stroller Workouts: Stroller workouts involve brisk walking or jogging while pushing your baby in a stroller. This allows you to combine exercise with bonding time with your baby and can be a fun way to get moving outdoors.

Remember to listen to your body and progress at your own pace. If you experience any pain, discomfort, or unusual symptoms during or after exercise, stop and consult with your healthcare provider. It's essential to prioritize self-care and recovery during the postpartum period.

Exercise or not, remember to take cake of yourself!

Being a new mom is hard, no one will deny that. Give yourself and your body grace, you just spent 9 months growing a human. It may be frustrating if your body isn’t bouncing back like you want it to, trust me, all us moms have been there! Motherhood is so many things, and you’re doing great! If you haven’t scheduled any photos for your new baby, please consider reaching out to me! I have a studio in Monroe NC and have awesome wardrobe options if you want to hop into those photos too! You can contact me here.

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